Jersey population

This page comprises a database of information on the size and structure of the Jersey population and of migration to and from the Island.


Books and papers

BLENCH, Brian. 1967.  The population and people of Jersey.  Norois, No 54, Avril-Juin 1967, pp 227-239. 

BOLEAT, Mark. 2015.  Jersey’s Population – A History, third edition [Published by the Société Jersiaise]

BOLEAT, Mark.2022. Jersey's Population - A History, fourth edition [Published by the Société Jersiaise]

BOLEAT, Mark. 2019.  Migration from Jersey to New Zealand in the 1870s.  [Published by Mark Boleat]

BOLEAT, Mark. 2010.  The 1906 States report on immigration into Jersey.  [Published by Mark Boleat]

BOLEAT, Mark. 2021. The Jersey Census - an historical perspective. [Published in the Société Jersiaise Bulletin, 2021]

BOLEAT, Mark and LINDER, James. 2016. Population trends and issues in island economies[Published by the Jersey Policy Forum]

FORD, Doug. 1989. From Langlois to Desousa – A History of Immigration into Jersey.  [Paper in the Société Jersiaise Library]

MONTEIL, Michel. 2005.  French emigration to Jersey 1850-1950.  [Published by the Société Jersiaise] 

NICOLLE, Jason St John. 1991, New evidence for the population of Jersey in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.  Société Jersiaise Bulletin. pp 463-472.

PATTON, Mark. 1989. Neolithic communities in the Channel Islands PhD thesis, University College London. 

POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE WORKING PARTY. 1966. A population policy for Jersey.

POWELL, Colin. 1988. The part played by immigrants in Jersey's economic development over the centuries. Société Jersiaise Bulletin.  pp 531-542.

RYBOT, NV. 1940. On the Population of Jersey throughout the Ages and the origin of the Parishes[Paper in the Société Jersiaise Library]

STATES OF JERSEY ASSEMBLY. 2021. Developing a common population policy - in-committee debate.

STATES OF JERSEY STATISTICS UNIT. 2016. Jersey population projections 2016 release.

TURK, Marion. 1979. The quiet adventurers in Canada. [Published by Harlo]

TURK, Marion. 2009. The quiet adventurers in North America. [Published by Heritage Books]


Census reports and annual figures

A single sheet of paper found in a Cambridge University Library gives population figures for ten parishes in 1737.

The results of a  limited census in 1788 were published in the CIFHS Journal 1980/81.

A single sheet of paper in the Société Jersiase Library gives population numbers in 1770 and 1806 and a separate sheet gives numbers for 1815.

From 1821 to 1961 censuses in Jersey were conducted as part of British censuses.  A census  was undertaken in August 1940 by the Jersey authorities at the request of the German occupying powers.  Since 1971 Jersey has been responsible for its own censuses. All of these census reports are accessible on the Census in Jersey page of the Statistics Jersey page of the Government of Jersey website.

Figures for recent years are on the Government of Jersey website. 

The Channel Islands Family History Society has indexed the censuses from 1841 to 1911 and published them as, for example, The 1841 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index.  In addition to giving a completing listing of the whole population each publication includes an introduction which gives details about the Census and the Island at the time.  These introductions usefully complement the official census reports.  The agreement of the Society to include the introductions on this website in gratefully acknowledged as is its copyright.

The 1841 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1851 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1861 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1871 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1881 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1891 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1901 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index

The 1911 census of Jersey - an all-Island Index